Eddie is the main character and protagonist in The Five People You Meet In Heaven. Eddie, who has always seen his life as a waste and insignificant, dies on his 83rd birthday in an accident while trying to save a little girl's life. Eddie travels to heaven and meets five people who show him that there was much more value to his life than he thought there was.

The Blue Man is the first person Eddie meets in heaven. Although Eddie only remembers him in his younger years as the "Curious Citizen" that travelled to Ruby Pier, Eddie had a much greater impact on the Blue Man. Because of a simple incident that resulted in Eddie almost being hit by the Blue Man, the Blue Man had died. But the Blue Man teaches him that everyone's lives are important; each life affects the next, in one way or the other.
The Captain is the second person Eddie meets in heaven. The Captain was Eddie's commanding officer in WWII. The men looked up to him because of one promise that the Captain promised to ensure to his soldiers: no man gets left behind. Eddie learns that his leg injury that was caused by a shot in the leg was actually caused by the Captain. Eddie then learns that the shot to his leg saved his life, when Eddie would not stop trying to get into a burning hut. The Captain teaches Eddie that "sacrifice is the noblest thing you can do." While Eddie was recovering, the Captain steps on a land mine and dies. But the Captain teaches Eddie that the Captain sacrificed his life to save the lives of his soldiers.

Ruby is the third person Eddie meets in heaven. From Ruby, Eddie learns that the amusement park he grew up by for nearly his entire life, Ruby Pier, was named after Ruby. Ruby recounts his father's last moments of his life to Eddie. Eddie, whose father had never shown love or affection for Eddie, was angry with his dad. Then Ruby shows him the importance of forgiveness and how hatred could significantly impact and consume you. Because of Ruby, Eddie is able to forgive his father for not being the parental figure that he should have been.

Marguerite is the fourth person Eddie meets in heaven. Marguerite was Eddie's wife and true love. While Eddie was betting on horse races, he calls Marguerite to share his good news. After an argument over the phone, Marguerite drives to the horse races to apologize. In an accident caused by teenagers messing with drivers on a bridge above the road, Marguerite is fatally injured in a car accident. After the tragic event, their marriage is not the same. The cost of her medical bills prevent the couple from adopting a child. Then, a few years later, Marguerite dies from a brain tumor. After her death, Eddie had felt that Marguerite left him too soon. In heaven, Marguerite teaches Eddie that life ends, but love goes on forever; in Eddie's case, love just took on a different form.

Tala is the fifth and last person that Eddie meets in heaven. Tala is a little Asian girl, about five or six years old. From Tala, Eddie learns that she was the figure in the burning hut that he thought he had seen; Eddie learns that he had burned Tala alive. From his mistake, Tala shows that Eddie's purpose in life was to maintain the safety of everybody who went to Ruby Pier. Because of Eddie, numerous accidents and tragic events had been prevented because of Eddie's maintenance skills and watchful eye. Countless lives had been saved, both born and unborn, because of Eddie. Tala teaches Eddie that every life has purpose.
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